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African Feed for African Animals!


Kiezebrink is the official exclusive European importer of the South African game feed ‘Boskos’. Literally translated Boskos means ‘feed from the bush’. The use of natural fibre sources of the African savannah and the special production process makes the products of Boskos unique.

Zookeepers have found that herbivores in captivity instinctively appear to recognise Boskos for what is, a foodstuff that is natural to them. Boskos is used in zoos, national parks and game reserves around the world.

What is Boskos?

Restoring the balance of the savanna ecosystem

Southern Africa has a rich diversity of wildlife. On the savannas hers of herbivores are grazing and browsing. A lot of these herbivore species like giraffes, zebras and many others are kept in zoos all over the world. When formulating a diet for captive animals you always want to stay close to the natural diet. That is why we developed an African feed for African animals.

Due to intensive grazing by cattle, large areas of the savannah ecosystems in Southern Africa have been disturbed. Grasses are over-grazed, and seeds of woody plant species such as Acacia-species and Sickle bush become established. Subsequently, grasses struggle to recover, and cannot compete with these trees for water and nutrients. This results in open savannahs changing into bush encroached areas with bare top soils which are susceptible to soil erosion. Bush encroachment is a huge problem in many wildlife ranches in Southern Africa.



The leaves, branches and seeds of these bushes compose the natural diet of many savannah animals. With this in mind an idea arose in a South African company. They remove the surplus bushes and trees from the wildlife ranches and shred into a fine substrate. The substrate together with ingredients such as alfalfa, maize and a premix, is processed into a pellet, which is called Boskos Browser. We see this as a win-win situation, the balance of the savannah is restored and the bushes form a high quality ingredient. This product has been used to feed African herbivores in zoos successfully for decades.

Because this feed contains mainly bushes and trees it is highly suitable for browsing herbivores. Of course there are a lot of grazing African species kept in zoos as well. That is why we developed a new product: Boskos Grazer. This product contains three species of African grasses, alfalfa and some acacia.

The added vitamins and minerals to both Boskos variants are especially tailored to the requirements of animals kept in European zoos. With a high vitamin D, E and selenium content and added linseed oil to cover the fatty acid requirements.



Our products


Boskos Browser is very suitable for (African) browsing species, for example: Giraffe, Kudu, Okapi, Indian rhino, Muntjak, Sitatunga, Nyala and Black rhino. It contains a high amount (25%) of African browse species (Acacia, Sickle bush), which makes is highly suitable for browsing species. Besides this, linseed is added as a source of omega 3 fatty acids. The vitamins and minerals are adjusted to the requirements of exotic herbivores kept in Europe, with a high amount of vitamin D, E and selenium.


Boskos Grazer is especially made for (African) grazing species, for example: Zebra, Wildebeest, Blesbok, Sable antelope and White rhino. This feed contains a high amount (66%) of African grass species (Eragrostis grass, Smuts finger grass, Blue buffalo grass). The natural ratio of fiber fractions NDF, ADF and ADL supports the digestive system of grazing species. Besides this, it contains linseed as a source of omega 3 fatty acids and a small percentage (10%) African browse species (Acacia, Sickle bush).

Browse Mulch

BOSKOS BROWSE MULCH is a combination of Acacia and high quality lucerne, produced in South Africa. Acacia is the natural fiber source of many exotic browsers. Therefore this product is an ideal addition to the diet of browsers in your zoo. It contains prebiotics and active fibers, that help maintain and improve animal’s microbes in the gut.


Feeding advice

To guarantee intake of effective long fibre, Boskos needs to be supplemented with a roughage suitable for the particular species. Keep plenty of fresh, clean water available to animals at all times.


To guarantee intake of effective long fibre, Boskos needs to be supplemented with a roughage suitable for the particular species. Keep plenty of fresh, clean water available to animals at all times.




Hay is a suitable source of roughage for grazers, it contains a high amount of NDF (cellulose and hemicellulose) and a lower amount of ADL (lignin). Lucerne is suitable for grazers and browsers. Considering the fiber fractions it can be categorized in between hay and browse. However, when lucerne is contaminated with sand it is not suitable for browsers. For browsers is browse the most suitable roughage source. The higher ADL content is consistent with the natural diet of these animals.

Availability browse

It is not possible for many zoos to feed browse to all their browsers. Especially during the winter the availability of browse is low. There are several ways to store browse during the summer, to form a stock for the winter. Methods used are: freezing, silaging and drying. Because this costs a lot of time and space, it is often not possible to organize this in large quantities in zoos.

Boskos mulch is dried and coarsely ground browse. It consists of Acacia and Lucerne. I contains leaves, flowers, seeds and thin branches and due to the course grinding, the fiber structure is maintained. Acacia is a natural part of the diet of many African browsers such as; Giraffes, Kudu’s and Black Rhino. Boskos Mulch is easy to store due to packaging in bags. Acacia has a fiber composition that matches the natural fiber requirements of African browsers. Boskos Mulch is a complementary feed, it should be combined with Boskos to supply the necessary vitamins and minerals.




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